Category: Topics

Studio Tinapa


Tinapa resort has huge potentials of becoming a major cash cow if transformed into Africa’s Largest Outdoor Studio. Nigeria’s Nollywood produces about 200 films every week; however one could state that it is more of a quantity over quality situation. Learning from China’s Hengdian World Studios which is currently the world’s largest outdoor studio, the viability of such a project is extremely high in comparison to Tinapa remaining as a business resort.

Problem: AMCON’s plan to revive the Tinapa Resort project has a HIGH possibility of failure.

Beneficiary: AMCON, Nollywood

Proposed by: Tomi Orunmuyi

Idea Status: Pitch



Firstly, let me state reasons why I think reviving the Tinapa Resort project will fail.

  1. Ease of access: The lack of Transport infrastructure such as high speed railway and good roads reduces chances of getting the desired patronage from Nigerians.
  2. Location: It is not exactly the best location for a business resort. It is far from the business hub of Nigeria, Lagos. In fact, it is even closer to Cameroon’s business hub, Douala.
  3. Competition: It would need to compete with other affordable options like Dubai. A typical Nigerian would rather spend a holiday or enrol in a business course in Dubai than Tinapa. Also, with Eko atlantic city and Lekki Free Trade zone around the corner, the Tinapa dream will be short lived.

In the case for a Film studio, a unique payoff is introduced into the equation and this changes things significantly. Sorry to say but the major advantage Tinapa Resort has going for it at the moment is sentimental attachment.



AMCON has revealed its plans to invest an additional N26 billion into the Tinapa Resort project. This amount of money will go a long way if invested into transforming Tinapa Resort into a Film Studio. AMCON will simply be taking advantage of the high number of film making activities in Nigeria. Not to forget the vibrant music industry that churns out music videos every single day. The market already exists within Nigeria; a studio will only consolidate all the different efforts driven by the private sector. There are no large film studios in this part of Africa, so you can be certain of getting patronage from clients in the neighbouring African countries. The investment can go toward the following areas:

  1. Tinapa Film School: A well equipped film school modeled after top film schools such as NY film school in the U.S. It is strongly recommended that experienced foreign hands are employed for training/courses related to technical aspects of filmmaking.
  2. Film equipment: Equipment for renting within the facilities such as cameras, lights, sound equipment (for both indie and huge filmmakers).
  3. Film sets: This aspect is very important and needs to comprise of attractive sets depicting replicas of structures like Aso rock (presidential villa), old Lagos Island streets (1970s, 1980s), ancient cities (Oyo empire, Benin wall, Queen Amina’s Zaria ), Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo Villages. The stores in the current Tinapa Resort can be converted to house sets for fancy apartments, executive offices, lounges, clubs, churches, mosques, kitchens, and so on; the list is endless!
  4. Props: Provision of high grade prop guns, costumes and cars.
  5. Other facilities such as Editing suites, green screens.

To get the word around, a moderate budget movie can be produced using the installed facilities. When subsequent movies become successes, one can expect to have more revenue from tours.


Full impact potential: This will create a new dimension to film making in Nigeria. With affordable prices, filmmakers will be able to access facilities that they would normally find difficult to access. This will create an array of job opportunities for Calabar residents as there will be a need for technical staff and film extras.


Funding: AMCON, and possibly a Public Private Partnership arrangement

Marketplace: Film, Television & Entertainment

Other interesting facts:

Ebony Life Television is situated in Tinapa studio.

[Images below were taken from Hollywood’s Universal studios]


Written by: Tomi Orunmuyi


Ajaokuta Steel Company


With the commencement of Nigeria’s new government, from May 29, 2015, one can only hope that the Ajaokuta Steel Company project will finally become a reality. It has failed largely due to mismanagement of funds and incompetent planning by the previous Nigerian governments. Nigeria’s demand for steel is estimated at about 12 million tonnes per annum – to begin industrialisation. At full throttle, the Ajaokuta Steel Company can only provide about 5.2 million tonnes per annum. This project, in my view, can only be realised with the active involvement of the private sector and total submission to transparency and accountability by the Nigerian government.

Problem: Mismanagement and Incompetence in project implementation

Beneficiary: Federal Government of Nigeria

Proposed by: Tomi Orunmuyi

Idea Status: Pitch



It is actually quite puzzling that since democracy, none of the governments have been able to complete the Ajaokuta Steel Company project successfully. One would think that perhaps the past government officials need to be put through the fundamentals of project management or simply the logic behind the application of business models. The issues preventing the project from being a success seem quite basic as they could easily be anticipated considering a project of its magnitude. For the sake of constructive criticism, the major issues are listed below.

1. Funding: The steel company has found it difficult to source for funds in the financial market. This has led to the government being its primary financier. And with the currently challenged economic state of the country, things appear to only get worse. In the past, the steel project has experienced lack of working capital for the operation of various units of the steel plant leading to deterioration of completed units. Reactivation of these units will require significant capital reinvestment.

2. Raw materials: Apart from Iron ore, which has its purest deposits found around Itakpe in Kogi State; bauxite, manganese and coke (fuel) are needed to create steel. These materials are not available locally and therefore need to be imported. Logistics and procurement procedure implementation have been the shortcomings of the project till date.

3. Infrastructure: Adequate transportation infrastructure such as access roads,  railway and bulk landing facilities at ports have been lacking since inception.

The issues above are simply challenges that could ordinarily be expected by any large scale project. However, the main problem which may not be quantifiable would be the strong and mighty corruption. One would hope that this corruption is curbed by the new government of Nigeria. I would recommend that a project management company with a worthy track record, preferably international, should be contracted with delivering this project. The expertise and experience with working on high profile projects will go a long in delivering the project. Clearly stated timelines, milestones; along with transparency and accountability by the government officials and stakeholder are important in making the project a success.

Full impact potential: Industrialisation of Nigeria.

Funding: Public Private Partnership could be the way forward.

Marketplace: Mining and Steel

Other interesting facts: The per capita consumption of steel in Nigeria is very small: 10kg, there are speculations that it maybe less than that; while the world average is 130kg.

Written by: Tomi Orunmuyi


National Theater

The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has resolved to deploy a PPP arrangement for the execution of National Theatre Master Plan. The Master Plan requires the Upgrade of National Theatre main bowl and the development of complementary facilities around the Complex. The objective of this development is to make the iconic edifice more attractive and economically viable. In delivering this aspiration, BGL was mandated to provide an end-to-end PPP procurement process for the selection of successful Concessionaires.

Problem: Poor functional state of the National Theatre


Proposed by: FEDERAL MINISTRY OF TOURISM, CULTURE & NATIONAL ORIENTATION: (Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation)

Idea Status: Implementation Stage



In addition to the planned upgrade of the National theatre building itself, the following facilities will be developed in the surrounding land mass.

  1. 600 Room Five Star Hotel;
  2. Office Buildings;
  3. Conference Centre
  4. Shopping, Commercial and Banking Facilities Northwest of the National theatre
  5. Recreational areas to the North, East and South East of the Theatre.

This will be achieved through a Public Private Partnership made possible by the ICRC Act 2005 and National Policy on Public Private Partnership.

The planned development will sit on about 134 hectares of land.

The Ministry of Tourism is required under Section 12 of the Act to supervise the project diligently. On the other hand the Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission and the ministry are required to conduct regular joint Inspections of the Project until the end of the contract.

For more information visit: Nationaltheatreng



Full impact potential: The end result will be Nigerian Entertainment City right in the centre of Lagos. This will create thousands of jobs and opportunities cutting across multiple sectors. The performing arts facilities in particular will rival top convention centres such as Eko Hotels and Muson centre who currently receive very high patronage.


Funding: Public-Private Partnership

So far, the following companies have been shortlisted for the possibility of being part of the Public Private Partnership.

CCECC Nigeria Limited
Calzada Limited
Chrismichaels Limited
Resilient Africa
Quippo Energy Nigeria Private Limited
RMB Westport
Neon Holdings Consortium

Marketplace: Tourism & Entertainment

Other interesting facts:

The National theatre is a copy of Palace of Culture and Sports in Varna, Bulgaria. It is a multifunctional complex for congress, cultural and sporting events.

Varnanational theater

(left: Varna, right: National Theatre)

However, our National theatre is the bigger of the two.

Written by: Tomi Orunmuyi

Ideas for Nigeria!

Welcome to Beta Nigeria. Now that you are here, we do hope that you find some time to look through some of the proposed ideas for Nigeria. These ideas are put together by patriotic Nigerian professionals, for Nigeria. We look forward to your contribution. Kindly look at our “How To Participate” section to find out how your idea…